Payment Options: For Nursery School/ Child Care

Nursery School OnlyNot an optionNot an optionOnly option for NS exclusively.
Nursery School/Child Care CombinationPayment due on or before Friday of each week or the last day child is scheduled to attend each week.Payment due on or before Friday of each week or the last day child is scheduled to attend each week. You must pay 1 week in arrears and 1 week in advance.You will be billed the third week of every month for the upcoming moth. Payments due on or before the 1st of each month in advance of services.
Child Care Only (School Age K-6 and Summer CC)Payment due on or before Friday of each week or the last day child is scheduled to attend each week.Payment due on or before Friday of each week or the last day child is scheduled to attend each week. You must pay 1 week in arrears and 1 week in advance.You will be billed the third week of every month for the upcoming moth. Payments due on or before the 1st of each month in advance of services.