What Makes Wee Wisdom Your Best Option in Delaware County?
- Our SECURITY SYSTEM is a combination of features that are unsurpassed in Delaware County. The safety of your child is our number one priority! Knowing that your child is in a building that is under “lockdown” during all hours of operation will give you a sense of security while you are away from your little one(s).
- Delaware County is an educated area. When it comes to making a decision on preschool and child care, most parents look for a private setting and an advanced curriculum. Make an educated choice by choosing Wee Wisdom. Afford your child the luxury and benefits of a private and advanced education.
- Parents value experience and a proven reputation. Most parents look for a facility that is under the leadership of an individual with education-related credentials and experience. Wee Wisdom’s current director has been directing Wee Wisdom since 1988 and holds a Master’s Degree in Education. Wee Wisdom has achieved the highest rating possible at both the national and state levels.
- Wee Wisdom offers Nursery School exclusively. At Wee Wisdom, parents may opt to enroll solely in the Nursery School Program or they may select a Child Care and Nursery School combination.
- Wee Wisdom offers part-time and full-time programs, as well as, seasonal enrollment for those needing Child Care during certain portions of the year.
- We value and maintain a high degree of stability with staff. We have a very low turnover rate and employ only the most qualified, exemplary individuals. Stability of staff is critical to the lives of children. We value our employees!
- Wee Wisdom is 100% accountable. You can expect the best for your child if you know what to look for. We encourage parents to explore all options when it comes to choosing the best setting for their child(ren). We are confident that you will make an “educated choice” by choosing to enroll your child at Wee Wisdom.
- We value making Wee Wisdom your child’s “home away from home”. Your child will experience many different settings throughout the day. He/she will benefit from the nutritious home, cooked meals. We cook with only the finest of ingredients. Our private chef will delight your child’s senses with the smells and tastes of delicious meals and snacks! Parents are welcome to join their child(ren) at meal time! Just call our chef by 10:00 am to reserve your seat for lunch. Come taste for yourself the culinary difference a home-cooked meal can make.
- We have a luxurious, in-ground heated swimming pool! Imagine how happy your child will be when summer arrives and the Wee Wisdom pool opens for daily swimming! You don’t need to feel guilty about leaving your child while you work. Summers at Wee Wisdom are like summers at a resort for children!
- Wee Wisdom holds annual performances at the largest auditorium in Delaware County – Emens Auditorium on the Ball State University Campus. Our annual Christmas Program, staring our fabulous students, delights the audience of up to 3,000 people. Our students are dressed in gorgeous costumes (compliments of Wee Wisdom) and perform adorable songs and dances. This event, open to the public free of charge, is one way for us to say thank you for sharing your most precious possession with us – your child!
- Wee Wisdom also holds Graduation Ceremonies for all 4 and 5 year old students who will be entering kindergarten in the upcoming fall. Graduation is held at Emens Auditorium. Our proud little graduates walk onto the stage and delight the audience with individual speaking parts and five to six songs and dances. This program is also free to the public. It allows our students to experience leadership roles on stage in the presence of many proud families.
Why do you separate Nursery School from Child Care?
Our building is divided into three sections:
- Child Care for Ages 2 – 4
- Child Care for Ages 5 and older
- Nursery School for ages 2, 3, 4, and 5 years
Nursery School is separated from child care because nursery school is the educational focus during the week. A separate faculty and staff are hired to work in our Nursery School. Teachers in our Nursery School hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. Our Nursery School is not a play school. We operate our Nursery School like a school. It is goal-oriented in structure. We focus on a continuum of skills, designed to prepare each child for a successful transition into a leadership role in kindergarten.
Our Child Care Center is based on learning through discovery approach and is center-based. Children are learning constantly at Wee Wisdom – either through their play and discovery in Child Care, or through our advance academically-based instruction with licensed teachers in Nursery School.
What will my child do during his/her Child Care portion of the week?
Your child will be placed into a group of children of similar age and developmental characteristics. He/she will experience several different rooms each day and will never be restricted to one room for all daily activities. We have different rooms containing “center activities”. In these areas, children can select centers that focus on Art, Sensorial Development (Activities related to the five senses), Math and Discovery, Cultural and Science, Language and Literacy, Blocks, Dramatic Play, Practical Life Skills, Quiet Play (Quiet Cube), Art Easels, Discovery/Sand/Sensory Tables, Mirrors, Listening Stations, and more. For a more detailed description of activities that your child will experience in each station, please read the following section describing the variety of components each station may include. Each center is “goal-oriented” and is based on the Montessori approach to early childhood education. Many of our supplies are purchased directly from Montessori. They are designed to provide our students with enriching, educational tasks that are stimulating and self-correcting. Every station has a specific educational purpose. So, without question, your child is “learning” while he/she is playing. Our children also experience outdoor play (including aerobics and yoga for students ages 2 ½ and up) in the morning and afternoon daily.
We have dining areas, play areas, center areas, and sleeping areas. Our facility is arranged like a home with large open areas designed to promote individual and small group activities. Wee Wisdom provides a wide variety of learning center equipment and materials daily. Our center is designed to permit children to interact without conflict, while encouraging creative play and learning through “teacher-facilitated” discovery. Our Child Care Center operates on a structured schedule, yet allows children the freedom to select activities of their choice during a large portion of the day. Our home cooked meals include breakfast, a morning snack, a full lunch, an afternoon snack, and a full evening meal. Weekly menus are distributed to parents each week for the upcoming week. Daily schedules are posted in each room of the building. Monthly lesson plans are posted on each level of the building and distributed at the beginning of each month to each family.
LANGUAGE AND LITERACY CENTERS: Activities in this area will consist of Listening/Auditory Perception, Sound and Symbol/Word and Print Connections, Writing, and Grammar Activities and/or Grammar Games.
PRACTICAL LIFE CENTERS: Activities in this area will enable children to become efficient and active participants within their own environments by developing their own natural abilities. Activities will include: Basic Citizenship (Following rules in the classroom and on the playground (respecting the rights of others, respecting the property of others, using appropriate language, being responsible for self, and being in the appropriate place at the appropriate time), Pre-Montessori Activities (grasping objects, carrying objects, using pegboards, stringing beads, connecting nuts and bolts, opening containers, completing puzzles and parquetry patterns, matching, and sorting, Care of Self (dressing/undressing (buttoning, zipping, snapping, hook and eye closures, buckling, tying knots and bows, and lacing) independence in the bathroom, handwashing, blowing nose, Care of Environment (cloth folding, plant care (arranging flowers and watering plants, table washing, dish washing, crumbing a table, dusting, and sweeping,) Transfer Activities (dry pouring using tumblers, dry pouring using pitchers with spouts and handles, scooping, spooning, using tongs, using tweezers, sponge squeezing, liquid pouring from one container into another, using a baster, using an eye-dropper to transfer liquid, funnel pouring, Food Preparation (using play food, will learn to cut carrots, slice apples, cut bread, set a table, decorate a cake, make a pizza, and use a whisk to beat soapy water to make suds), Grace and Courtesy (greeting and introducing others, passing in front of someone, obtaining an adult’s attention, offering to help someone, observing someone at work, talking in a group, knocking at a door, using ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and ‘you are welcome’, responding to the receipt of a gift, and how to prevent the spread of germs when coughing and sneezing) Textile Work (pre-sewing, sewing with yarn, button sewing), Work With Tools (Hammering golf tees into clay, using a screwdriver, and using locks and keys)
SENSORIAL CENTERS: Sensory training involves “refining all five of the human senses during a child’s sensitive period, between the ages of birth to six years.” Sensory training is each child is very important. It aids the natural development of the child and gives the child a sense of self-identify and security within the learning environment. In addition, it provides a basis for learning in an orderly manner that is needed for neurological and psychological development. Sensory training is based on logical learning experiences, from the concrete to the abstract. It is also a direct preparation for intellectual life by helping the child develop cognitive skills such as thinking, judging, associating, comparing, etc. Some of the activities your child will experience include:
VISUAL SENSE: (dimension/sizes of objects, color-chromatic/awareness of color, and form/awareness of shape); Tactile Sense (surface touch; stereognostic (whole form on volume); thermic/temperature; and baric/weight; Auditory Sense (Hearing: Many of our hearing activities have to do with creating and discriminating between music and tones that are made from various instruments); Olfactory Sense (Smelling: A scent connection with eating is important because odor enhances or destroys the taste of food); and Gustatory Sense (Taste): (The young child has taste buds in the entire mouth…in their tongue, cheeks, roof, etc. It is estimated that at age 21, we have left only ¼ of the taste buds we are born with and between the ages of 60 and 70, there are very few taste buds remaining. The tip of the tongue discriminates sweets, the sides: sour and salty; the back: bitter; There are no buds in the center of the tongue. By allowing children to fully develop and refine these senses at a young age, the children are building the “adult” they are to become. Our sensorial activities are designed for specific purposes to develop your child’s full range of the senses. Children who work at refining their senses (through teacher facilitated activities designed for this purpose) will open themselves to limitless opportunities as adults.
SCIENCE CENTERS: Through sensorial exploration, your child will begin to soak up information about everything in the environment. Our centers will provide your child with “hands-on” experiences which will prepare the way for your child to internalize concepts. Our science centers include the following: Categorizing (“living” vs “nonliving” items; Plants and Animals (invertebrates and vertebrates within the animal kingdom; carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores; parts of plants, plant kingdom; animals vs plants); the Solar System; Human Anatomy; Weather and Seasons; Physical Science (rainbows, simple machines, prisms, magnets, matter and energy, electricity and magnetic combinations); Hands-On Physics (Float or sink, air pump, water pump, water/sand wheel, tuning fork & striker, and solids, liquids, and gases)
CULTURAL CENTERS: Our cultural activities focus upon a basic understanding and respect for geography and cultures that exist within that geography. Physical Geography (Land and water forms, creating land and water forms, climate and environment; Cultural Geography (Continents, Music and Dance, Food Preparation, and Collections of items of various continents); Flags (Introduction to the flags, matching flags to pictures of flags, matching flags to countries, making flags)
MATH CENTERS: Our Math Centers will lead your child through progressive “hands- on” activities, emphasizing concepts while preparing the child for abstractions. It is common knowledge that the mathematical mind must begin its development at a young age. Some of our activities will include: Perception of Differences/Similarities in Simple Matching (Color Tablets, Touch tablets, Fabrics, Thermic Bottles, Baric Tablets, Sound Boxes, Bells; Perception of Differences/Similarities in More Complex Matching Exercises (Combinations of Cylinder Blocks and Knobless Cylinders, Pink Tower and Brown Stairs, Geometric Cabinet and Cards, Constructive Triangles, Monomial Cube (Color), Binomial Cube (Color) and Trinomial cube (Color); Graded Series of 10; Graded Series Other Than 10; Discrimination (of dimension(cylinder blocks), size (pink tower), length (red rods), width (brown stairs), and form (geometric solids, constructive triangles). Number Recognition; Number Concepts; Time ; Distance; Space; Direction; Size; Weight; Depth; Value; Volume; and Balance.
DRAMATIC PLAY CENTERS: These activities will allow children to dress up in costumes to represent different cultures, vocations, and fantasy characters. We also provide plenty of props that children can use to enhance their play. A shatter-proof full length mirror is provided so that children can visually “see” the character they have created in themselves by adding costumes and props. Imaginations provide no boundaries when it comes to setting up an exciting dramatic play center.
BLOCK CENTERS: Your child will experience many different types of blocks for endless opportunities of creative play and construction: (Wooden Unit Blocks (colored and natural), Rainbow Blocks, Bead, Water, Sand, and Mirror Blocks, Block Toppers, Architectural Unit Blocks, Skyscraper Blocks, City Blocks, and Tree Blocks, Totter Tower Blocks (Bamboo Rings), Door and Window Blocks, Waffle Blocks, Junior Hollow Blocks, and Legos).
LISTENING CENTERS: Each room is equipped with a listening center. Through the use of ear phones, children may listen to music and audio/book combinations. This provides our students with an opportunity to listen to audio presentations throughout the day on topics of interest that will vary according to each child. The listening center is just one of many opportunities for your child to “choose” an activity that relates directly to interests that he/she is developing through instruction and/or play.
SAND/DISCOVERY/SENSORIAL TABLES: Your child’s LEAD CAREGIVER OR DESIGNEE will fill the sand/discovery/sensory table daily with new opportunities of exploration and learning. Props needed to explore this area will also be provided daily. Often, this experience will correlate directly with math, practical life, and science objectives. It provides endless fun and discovery for our little students! (Sometimes “messy”….but ALWAYS FUN!)
QUIET CUBE: The quiet cube, which is located in each area of our child care center, is a place for a child to go to be alone. Only one (1) child is permitted in the cube at a time. Children can take books or toys into the quiet cube. Everyone needs “space” once in a while. The quiet cube guarantees a child to have “alone/private time” when desired.
What will my child do during his/her Nursery School portion of the week?
Parents have the choice to enroll their child in morning or afternoon preschool classes. Some children learn better in the early morning; some in the mid-morning; others in the afternoon. We give you a choice, based on when your child will be at his or her best! T/TH Classes last for two (2) hours per day, and children are grouped according to age and developmental levels. M/W/F and Pre-K Classes are three (hours per day. Nursery School is very structured and goal-oriented. The following areas are emphasized daily: Pre-Academic Skills, Handwriting, Fine-motor Activities, Gross-Motor Activities, Health, Safety, Science, Music Therapy, Creative Dance/Movement, Socialization Skills, Manners, and Leadership Skills related to Citizenship. Instruction is theme-based. The curriculum has been privately designed by our owner and director and is available only to Wee Wisdom enrollees. Further, our curriculum is implemented only by our licensed teachers holding a bachelor or master’s degree in elementary education! During Nursery School, your child will experience three separate rooms on a daily basis:
- Pre-Academic & Art Project Room: Your child will spend 30-60 minutes in this room daily. In this classroom setting, we implement art projects, letter recognition, sound-symbol association, number recognition, number concepts, sight-word recognition, graphemic-based reading, daily handwriting, cutting, all fine-motor skills, science, social studies, and more!
- Snack Room: Your child will spend 15-20 minutes in this room daily. This home-like atmosphere is used for snack-time, socialization, table manners, and party celebrations!
- Multi-Purpose Room: Your child will spend 30-35 minutes in this room daily. This enormous, colorful room delights each child as we engage in the following activities daily: Pledge of Allegiance, Songs, Fingerplays, Story-time, Circle-Time, Show and Tell, Center-Based Free Play, Computer Lab for all MWF and PRE-K students,and, of course, our Five-Seated Carrousel. (Used for gross-motor development …and sheer delight!)
What is Wee-Wisdom Ratio of Children-To-Staff in Child Care?
- 2 year olds 5:1
- 2 ½ to 3 Year Olds: 7:1
- 3-4 Year Olds: 10:1
- 4-5 Year Olds: 12:1
- 5 Year Olds: 15:1
- 6-8 Year Olds: 15:1
- 9-10 Year Olds: 15:1
- 11-12 Year Olds: 15:1
What is Wee Wisdom’s Ratio of Children-To-Staff in Nursery School?
During Pre-School and Specialized Reading Classes, we significantly lower the ratio of children to staff. We have found that instructional time is the most effective by providing additional staff for each class:
- 2 to 3 Year Olds: Toddler Class: 15:3 (1 Licensed Teacher; 2 Assistants)
- 3-4 Year Olds: Tues/Thurs. Classes: 15:2 (1 Licensed Teacher; 1 Assistant)
- 4-5 Year Olds: Mon/Wed/Fri Classes; 18:2 (l Licensed Teacher, 1 Assistant)
- 5-6 Year Olds: Pre-K Classes (M thru TH 20:2 (1 Licensed Teacher; 1 Assistant)
Note: The number of children listed is the “maximum” number of students per class.
What preventative measures are taken by Wee Wisdom to Prevent the Spread of Communicable Illnesses?
Wee Wisdom has put a great deal of time and thought into our Sick Child Policy. Our policy is designed to attend to the needs of the sick child, protect well children, satisfy state regulations, and accommodate parents to the extent possible. We realize that a sick child policy that is too strict puts a burden on you as a working parent. On the other hand, guidelines that are too loose can result in unnecessary illnesses among the children, their families, and our staff. We believe that our policy provides a reasonable balance. The complete policy is contained within this parent-handbook.
Above all, we keep all parents informed of suspected and/or diagnosed illnesses within our facility. This is done through our daily newsletters and through designated postings within both Child Care Areas.
What has Wee Wisdom done to promote a safe environment?
Wee Wisdom undertakes significant initiatives that exhibit a commitment to our environment. Your child’s safety is our #1 concern! Wee Wisdom is inspected by the Indiana State Division of Family and Children annually. This inspection insures that we are in complete compliance with all mandated requirements relating to the health and safety of all children. In addition, we are inspected by the State Fire Marshall annually. This inspection assures that we are in full compliance with monthly fire drills, and that all equipment (fire alarms, security systems, emergency lighting, fire extinguishers, etc.) is in compliance with standards. We are always in full compliance with the State Fire Marshall. In addition to our Fire Alarm System, we also have a security system that is monitored 24 hours per day. (Security system includes a keyless entry, video cameras, intercom system and control panels.)
All employees, regardless of their role in your child’s lives, are certified annually in CPR and First Aid. Wee Wisdom also has a complete list of safety guidelines for all indoor and outdoor play areas, and the swimming pool area. A copy of these guidelines are contained within this parent handbook. Each employee is trained on these guidelines prior to his/her involvement with our children.
What is Wee Wisdom’s philosophy on nutrition and teaching proper eating habits?
Wee Wisdom believes that home-cooked meals prepared on site is the best way to plan for and monitor a child’s eating habits. Our private chef caters to the tastes of children, but assures that all meals and snacks are within healthy caloric and fat content limits. Our weekly menus are planned by our chef and our assistant director. Parents are welcome to join their children for a complimentary meal sure to delight even the most scrumptious adult taste buds. At Wee Wisdom, we strive for healthy, nutritional, and yummy! Feel free to ask for a copy of the recipe for your child’s favorite meal.
It is important to know the ingredients of what goes into your child’s body. A well-balanced meal does not always mean a “healthy” meal. Because we cook the “old-fashioned” way, you can know “who” is preparing your child’s food, and “what” is going into the food. In a typical week, we limit our main courses to the following:
- One meal per week with beef as the protein source
- Four meals per week with chicken, fish, turkey, or pork
Our fruits and vegetables are purchased fresh or frozen to avoid the preservatives often found in canned products. We choose foods that are high in nutrition and low in fat. We bake our meats, and avoid using oil in our homemade sauces, unless it is olive oil, which is used sparingly. We often choose to make homemade bread products, which is yet another way to control the ingredients used. Homemade soups are a favorite, and if made with nutrition in mind, will be packed with protein, as well as healthy vegetables. We serve 1% milk. Occasionally, a pediatrician may write and order for us to serve skim milk or soy milk to a specific child. We make adjustments based on the individual needs of children. We prefer to serve fresh fruit in place of fruit juice. However, if juice is served, it is always 100% Vitamin C with no sugar added.
Why does Wee Wisdom put such an emphasis on physical activity?
Wee Wisdom emphasizes the importance of physical activity in combination with healthy eating styles. Healthy minds and bodies must be nurtured at a young age, with adults setting the standard for a healthy lifestyle. Children look up to their teachers, their coaches, and their parents for leadership. Sometimes the unspoken examples that we set can have a major impact on the choices made by children who depend on us for leadership. We are fortunate in that our facility has a vast number of gross motor areas for children to develop. Like many licensed facilities, we have installed state-of-the art playground equipment for each of our playground areas. We also have a full-sized basketball court, a riding toy area, an in-ground heated swimming pool, and much more! These are wonderful things to have. However, what we value most are the open areas within each fenced playground that we use daily for exercising, playing team sports (kickball, soccer, volleyball, tag football, and cheer leading), and of course simply running.
A note from our director: “Children need to have the opportunity and space to “run like the wind“. As a child, I can remember thinking that if I ran far enough and fast enough, I would surely lift off the ground and fly. Well, of course that never happened. But I did my fair share of running on the very same grounds that Wee Wisdom children run on today. For several precious years, my imagination continued to hope for that magical lift off. My point is simply this: the newness of play equipment wears off. When that happens, it is important to have healthy alternatives in place. At Wee Wisdom, we have just that – over 2 acres of open, fenced areas to “run like the wind”. Allow your child’s imagination to run wild. Enroll now at Wee Wisdom – where healthy minds and bodies develop!” — Denise Allen, Owner & Director
How often does Wee Wisdom raise their rates?
Wee Wisdom is unique in that we do not raise our rates annually. Rates are increased every 2-3 years, which is the average stay for most children enrolled in our nursery school. Our most recent rate increase took place in June 2015.