At Wee Wisdom, we place much emphasis on providing nutritious meals and snacks that cater to the tastes of children. We are fortunate to have our very own on-site chef and private kitchen. Our chef, along with our director, assures that all meals and snacks are within healthy caloric and fat content limits. Not only are the meals at Wee Wisdom nutritious, but they are beautiful in presentation as well.
Rather than providing pre-cooked or pre-packaged meals, we make most of our foods homemade (the old fashioned way). Parents are welcome to join their child for a complimentary meal, sure to delight even the most discriminating taste buds. At Wee Wisdom, we strive for healthy, nutritional, and yummy.
Parents are free to ask for a copy of the recipe for their child’s favorite meal(s). It is important to know the ingredients of what goes into your child’s body. A well-balanced meal does not always mean a “healthy” meal. Because we cook the “old-fashioned” way, you will know “who” is preparing your child’s food, and “what” is going into the food.
Additional information about Wee Wisdom’s Snacks & Meals
- Each child is served everything listed and is “encouraged” to try everything on his/her plate.
- Meal time is pleasant and relaxed. The children are never rushed. We strive to create a home-like atmosphere.
- Children are allowed second servings of breakfast items, snack items, two course items served at lunch, and unlimited juice and milk.
- Wee Wisdom prepares only fresh fruits and vegetables.
- All fruit juices are 100% Vitamin C and contain absolutely no sugar.
- We purchased only high quality meats and strive to monitor the fat intake for all children.
- During any given week, we will serve the following main course protein sources at lunch:
- A maximum of one serving of beef, with remaining main courses consisting of chicken, fish, turkey, or pork.
- We want your child to love our food.
- We put much love into the planning and preparation of your child’s meals.
- Please call our chef by 10:00 a.m. on any given day to make a reservation to join your child for lunch.
Special Diets
- If your child requires a special diet due to medical, personal, or religious beliefs, we will post your child’s information for our dietary staff in charge of preparing and serving the food.
- Wee Wisdom will plan and serve substitutions, written on a menu, for all children with dietary restrictions.
- For children requiring a special diet due to medical reasons or allergic reactions, Wee Wisdom will provide meals and snacks in accordance with your child’s needs and the written instructions of the child’s physician.
- A child requiring a special diet due to religious beliefs or personal beliefs must supply the school office with a written statement from the parent.
- For special diets, Wee Wisdom reserves the right to request the parent to supplement food served by our center.
- If the parent provides the food from home, we must have the parent sign a “Safe Transportation of Food Responsibility” form, which is available in our school office. All food items must be protected from damage and potential contamination.
- Wee Wisdom will not omit foods or ingredients from foods typically served to children without food allergies from our weekly menus due to parental requests from parents of children with specific food allergies. (Examples: Peanut Butter, Peanut Products, Dairy Products, Fruit Juices, etc.)
Food Allergies
- Children with food allergies must provide Wee Wisdom with a physician’s written statement indicating the allergy and substitutions that must be made to care for the given child. The order must also state that “special diets” will sufficiently meet the needs of that particular child and that under the given, physician approved provisions, the health condition is not so severe as to be potentially hazardous to the given child.
- If your child has a food allergy, the form to be used for physician consent regarding your child’s enrollment in our center is included in our handbook that will be given to you upon your initial visitation and tour with our director. This form is considered a vital part of your child’s enrollment papers.