Welcome to Wee Wisdom Nursery School and Child Care Center. The next three (3) pages contain comprehensive information about our school and child care services. We ask that you take your time in reading this information prior to completing your child’s enrollment papers. Feel free to call Denise Allen at 765-284-8605 if you have any questions regarding these guidelines.
Please follow the guidelines below for enrollment:
- Please complete ALL required Enrollment Forms.
- Please attach a copy of your child’s birth certificate to these enrollment papers.
- Please attach your initial enrollment fee, made payable to Wee Wisdom, to these enrollment papers. Enrollment Fees are non-refundable. Your initial enrollment fee is due when you submit your enrollment papers. Re-Enrollment is due annually by April 15th for the upcoming summer and upcoming School Year.
Annual Enrollment Fees Annual Fee Toddler Class with or without child care services $100.00 T/TH Class with or without child care services $100.00 M/W/F Class with or without child care services $100.00 Pre-Kindergarten (M thru TH) with or without child care services $100.00 Grades K-6 Using Before And/Or After School Care $100.00 Summer Child Care Only: Enrollees Ages 2-12 $ 85.00 Breaks Only Child Care For Grades K-6 $100.00 - A complete list of immunization records must be submitted/approved prior to your child’s first day of attendance. Please secure a complete list of immunizations from your child’s physician. To be approved, your child’s immunizations must be complete and meet the minimal standards required of Indiana students. Any child who does not meet all requirements must have a doctor’s written statement of exemption for any immunizations that have not yet been given. See MEDICAL EXEMPTION FORM or RELIGIOUS BELIEF EXEMPTION FORM under “Optional Enrollment Forms”.
- Food Allergies: If your child has a food allergy that will require a modification of our food service (ie., any food or beverage substitutions), you must do the following:
- Your child’s physical examination completed by your child’s physician, must be administered and submitted prior to your child’s first day of attendance.
- You must share the policies related to food service in your Parent Handbook with your child’s Physician. Together, the parent and the physician must decide, if, under the necessary provisions, Wee Wisdom will be a safe environment for your child. (ie., free of hazardous risks related to the allergy.)
- The physician must complete the physical exam form(s) provided by Wee Wisdom and provide an original signature on the front side of the form (marked with an “X”) and the back side of the form (also marked with an “X”).
- The physician must list substitutions for any foods that are not appropriate for your child’s consumption. This includes both foods and beverages. The list must be specific.
- If the physician and/or parent do not feel that the environment is free from hazardous risk, admission will be denied. The parent will then be referred to Child Care Resource and Referral for an alternative placement. (CCR & R: 294-0887)
- If the physician decides that the parent should supply food or beverage for the child from home, the physician must provide a written order to that effect, which must be signed and dated by the physician and updated annually. The parent will also need to sign a Safe Food Transportation Form available through our Parent Portal Link. Click on “Optional Enrollment Forms.”
- For those students who have ASTHMA, the physical form must be submitted prior to the child’s first day of attendance. In addition, the physician must also complete an “ASTHMA ACTION CONTROL PLAN”, which will be kept on file and implemented for one year. At the end of one year, the parent must submit an updated Asthma Action Control Plan, which must be signed and dated by the physician. Electronic Signatures and Signature Stamps are NOT PERMITTED. Only original signatures are acceptable.
- For those students who do not have food allergies or asthma, parents must provide a current copy of a physical examination record. To be current, the physical examination needs to have taken place either:
- Twelve (12) months prior to the first day of attendance OR
- Within two (2) weeks after the first day of attendance.
- Family Album Forms (Required For Nursery School and Child Care Enrollees) You may access this form through our Parent Portal under ‘Required Enrollment Forms.” Click on Family Album Form”.
- Insurance Form (Required for all Nursery School and Child Care Enrollees) You may access this form through our Parent Portal under “Required Enrollment Forms”. Click on “Insurance Information”.
- OPTIONAL: If your child may require over-the-counter/non-prescriptive medication for pain, fever, or other reasons, you may opt to secure a “written order” from your child’s doctor giving us permission to administer specific medications that do not require a prescription. Examples would include: Tylenol or other fever/pain reducing medications, ointments, cough medication, cold medication, etc. If your child’s doctor writes an order for any non-prescriptive medication, you will need to provide that medication to Wee Wisdom, labeled with your child’s first and last name. We will store the medication and use it only if needed. Any time your child is administered any type of medication, written documentation will be provided to you. If you choose to use this optional agreement, please go to “Optional Enrollment Forms” and click on “Written Directives For Non-Prescriptive Medication”. Please note: The physician must list each medication Separately and completely all fields. The physician’s signature must be an original signature for each medication listed.
- OPTIONAL ENROLLMENT PAPERWORK: If you opt to enroll your child in any of our optional activities such as Swim Lessons, Summer Reading Class, Basketball Camp, Cheerleading Camp, Flag Football Camp etc. you will be required to fill out enrollment papers for each additional activity. These additional activities are seasonal. Once your child is enrolled at Wee Wisdom, you will be provided with additional information regarding all extra-curricular activities that are being offered. If your child attends Nursery School exclusively, you will receive information attached to your child’s Daily Newsletter. If you use Child Care Services at Wee Wisdom, these notices will be placed into your child’s wall cubbie. PLEASE REMEMBER TO READ YOUR CHILD’S NEWSLETTERS REGULARLY! IF YOUR CHILD ATTENDS OUR CHILD CARE CENTER, PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR CHILD’S WALL CUBBIE UPON ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE EACH DAY. THANK YOU!
- If your child is not toilet-trained, you must provide Wee Wisdom with un-opened containers of diapers/pull-ups, and baby wipes. When you bring these items into Wee Wisdom to leave with your child’s caregiver, please make sure you have labeled all items with your child’s first/last name. Once your child’s supply becomes slim, your child’s caregiver will notify you that you need to re-stock your child’s supplies at Wee Wisdom.
- All child care enrollees must have a complete change of clothing in their lockers at all times. The clothing must be seasonally appropriate. A complete change of clothing includes: A top, bottom, underwear, and socks. These items must be brought to Wee Wisdom labeled with your child’s first and last name on or before your child’s first day of attendance.
- If your child is under the age of five (5), he/she will be required to participate daily in a naptime or rest period of no less than 30 minutes. If a child has not fallen asleep within 30 minutes of resting, he/she will be permitted to get up from his/her cot and engage in quiet play until nap/rest time concludes. We are not permitted to wake “sleeping” children. If you and your child’s doctor decide that your child should have a limited amount of nap/sleep time during the afternoon at Wee Wisdom, we must have a Doctor’s written order directing us to wake the child after a certain amount of sleep. Only then are we permitted to wake a child who is sleeping.
- All children under the age of five must have clean bedding for their cots. Appropriate bedding, which is supplied by parents, laundered by parents, and returned each week by parents on the child’s first day of attendance, includes: A sleeping bag/pillow OR a blanket/pillow. Label these items with your child’s first and last name. Please make sure you launder these items at home over each weekend and return them on Monday morning of each week. If you forget to supply bedding, you will be called at work to return to Wee Wisdom with bedding for your child. Thank you for remembering and abiding by this requirement. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
- If your child is a non-swimmer and has not passed the swim test administered by our licensed life guards at the beginning of each summer, you will be required to provide floatation devices for your child to use during group swim. Life Jackets are required for children who are two (2) years of age. Age three and up may opt to use pre-inflated Water Wings, OR use life jackets in place of water wings. Floatation devices are never shared between siblings, and all floatation devices must be pre-labeled with your child’s first and last name and PRE-INFLATED prior to leaving them at Wee Wisdom for the first day of swim.
- Each child who attends our Child Care Center during the months of June, July, or August, must provide a bottle of sunscreen labeled with first/last name. As with Floatation Devices, we do not share containers of sunscreen between siblings.