Child Care Options & Rates

(You may not switch back and forth between rates unless your change will be for six (6) consecutive weeks or more.)

OptionsOne Child, August-MayOne Child, June-July (Summer)Two (2) SiblingThree (3) Siblings
#1 Weekly (4-5 days) 2 year old ($200.00)

3, 4, 5 year olds ($170.00)
2 year old ($210.00)

3, 4, 5 year olds ($190.00)
15% off of CC total20% off of CC total
#2 Daily Rate(2-3 days) (2 days minimum)2 year old ($55.00/day)

3, 4, 5 year olds ($45.00/day)
2 year old ($65.00/day)

3, 4, 5 year olds ($55.00/day)
10% of of CC total15% off of CC total
#3 Half- Day Rate (Up to 4 hours per day/CC) (2-half day minimum2 year old ($45.00/day)

3, 4, 5 year olds ($35.00/day)
2 year old ($55.00/day)

3, 4, 5 year olds ($55.00/day)
Not subject to discountNot subject to discount
#4 After School (2-5 days/week)Grades K-6 (2:30-5:30 pm)

Not Available in Summer Grades K-6: $161.50/ weekGrades K-6: $242.25/ week
#5 Before School (2-5 days/week)Grades K-6 (6:30-7:45 pm)

Not Available in Summer Grades K-6: $45.00/ weekGrades K-6: $81.00/ week
#6 Social Hour (2 hour per week minimum) 2 year old ($20.00/hour)

3, 4, 5 year olds ($15.00/hour)
2 year old

3, 4, 5 year olds ($15.00/hour)
Not subject to discountNot subject to discount

How will Absences Affect My Child Care Rate?

OptionAbsent Up to 3 DaysAbsent 4-5 Days
Option #1: Weekly Rate0% discount50% discount (CC only)
Option #2: Daily Rate*0% discount/regular daily rates applies0% 2 day minimum applies each consecutive week
Option #3: Half-Day Rate*0% discount/regular daily rates applies0% 2 Half-Day minimum applies each consecutive week
Option #4: After- School Rate0% discount50% discount
Option #5: Yorktown Before School Rate0% discount50% discount
Option #6: Social Hour*0% discount0% 2 hour minimum applies each consecutive week